Creutzburg Center 102

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CW32024 Spanish Wines06/18/25Wednesday from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM, 1 Session63.00
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CW32025 Wines of South Africa05/21/25Wednesday from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM, 1 Session63.00
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CW32026 Wines of Bordeaux04/30/25Wednesday from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM, 1 Session63.00
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CW32027 Hidden Gems: Wines Beyond the Familiar03/05/25Wednesday from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM, 1 Session63.00
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CW32029 Exploring Summer Wines!05/14/25Wednesday from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM, 1 Session63.00
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CW32030 Discovering the Personalities of Rieslings & Sauvignon Blancs04/16/25Wednesday from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM, 1 Session63.00
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CW32031 Pinot Noir: An Introverted Wine?(Class is full)*03/19/25Wednesday from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM, 1 Session63.00
CW32032 The Art of Pairing Fine Bourbon with Good Food04/02/25Wednesday from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM, 1 Session65.00
CW32033 California Wines: Napa Comes to Us!05/28/25Wednesday from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM, 1 Session63.00
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CW32056 Old-World vs. New-World Wines03/26/25Wednesday from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM, 1 Session65.00
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CW32057 Sparkling Wines of the World04/09/25Wednesday from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM, 1 Session65.00
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CW32058 Springtime in Paris: Exploring French Wines05/07/25Wednesday from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM, 1 Session65.00
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CW32059 Wines of Tuscany06/11/25Wednesday from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM, 1 Session65.00
DA22005 Soul Line Dancing05/06/25Tuesday from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM, 8 Sessions155.00
DA42008 East Coast Swing Dance(Class is full)*04/10/25Thursday from 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM, 4 Sessions82.00
DA42009 Celtic Meets Country Dance: Intermediate(Class is full)*02/20/25Thursday from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM, 6 Sessions105.00
DA42010 Celtic Meets Country Dance: Beginner(Class is full)*02/20/25Thursday from 7:15 PM to 8:15 PM, 6 Sessions105.00
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FH21008 Qigong for Health & Well-Being02/18/25Tuesday from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM, 5 Sessions75.00
FH21011 How to Keep Your Bones Healthy06/10/25Tuesday from 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM, 1 Session45.00
FH21012 Self-Defense for Seniors05/06/25Tuesday from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM, 2 Sessions69.00
FH21015 Improve Your Posture: Feel Younger & Stronger06/03/25Tuesday from 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM, 1 Session45.00
FH21045 Yoga Flow with Charo06/03/25Tuesday from 8:45 AM to 10:00 AM, 10 Sessions146.00
FH21046 Serenity Yoga with Charo06/03/25Tuesday from 10:15 AM to 11:15 AM, 10 Sessions146.00
FH21047 Yoga Flow with Charo02/18/25Tuesday from 8:45 AM to 10:00 AM, 12 Sessions175.00
FH21048 Serenity Yoga with Charo02/18/25Tuesday from 10:15 AM to 11:15 AM, 12 Sessions175.00
FH22019 Tai Chi: Beginners05/06/25Tuesday from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM, 8 Sessions127.00
FH32017 CPR Certification06/04/25Wednesday from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM, 1 Session65.00
FH41026 Tai Chi: Beginners(Class is full)*02/27/25Thursday from 9:15 AM to 10:15 AM, 12 Sessions189.00
FH41027 Tai Chi: Advanced02/27/25Thursday from 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM, 12 Sessions189.00
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FH41028 Cardio Dance03/06/25Thursday from 11:45 AM to 12:45 PM, 8 Sessions125.00
FH41051 Tai Chi: All Levels06/05/25Thursday from 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM, 8 Sessions127.00
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FH51029 Introduction to Yin Yoga04/11/25Friday from 9:15 AM to 10:15 AM, 1 Session0.00
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FH51034 Yoga for Bone Strength04/04/25Friday from 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM, 1 Session35.00
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FH51035 Unwind and Find Balance with Yin Yoga04/25/25Friday from 9:15 AM to 10:15 AM, 4 Sessions59.00
FH51052 Chanting Circle03/21/25Friday from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM, 1 Session25.00
FH61018 CPR Certification03/29/25Saturday from 10:00 AM to 12 N, 1 Session65.00
FH61022 Basic First Aid Certification04/26/25Saturday from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM, 1 Session65.00
HC11010 Acrylic Painting(Class is full)*02/17/25Monday from 10:30 AM to 1:00 PM, 8 Sessions221.00
HC11012 Oil Painting02/17/25Monday from 1:15 PM to 3:45 PM, 10 Sessions235.00
HC41051 The Joy of Watercolor Painting(Class is full)*03/06/25Thursday from 1:30 PM to 3:45 PM, 8 Sessions203.00
HC41052 Freewheeling Pastels(Class is full)*05/08/25Thursday from 1:00 PM to 3:30 PM, 6 Sessions153.00
HC51059 Floral Design for Spring(Class is full)*03/28/25Friday from 10:00 AM to 12 N, 1 Session75.00
HG21010 Quick Composting04/15/25Tuesday from 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM, 1 Session45.00
HG31003 Orchid Care Essentials02/26/25Wednesday from 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM, 1 Session52.00
HG61001 Orchid Care Essentials03/29/25Saturday from 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM, 1 Session52.00
IM41021 Powers of Attorney & Advance Medical Directives(Class is full)*02/20/25Thursday from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM, 1 Session35.00
LF31059 French Club: Un Peu de Tout04/09/25Wednesday from 9:45 AM to 11:15 AM, 8 Sessions222.00
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SL51782 Places in the Sun: 1950s Resorts and Their Architecture05/02/25Friday from Noon to 2:00 PM, 1 Session49.00
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SL51783 Major General Lafayette In Full Glory05/09/25Friday from Noon to 2:00 PM, 1 Session49.00
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SL51785 Bayonets and Bottles: How the Romanovs Ruled Russia for 300 Years04/11/25Friday from Noon to 2:00 PM, 1 Session49.00
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SL51984 MLSN Members Only: The Nation That Never Was: Reconstructing America’s Story04/04/25Friday from 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM, 1 Session35.00
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SL51987 The Pursuit of Happiness, an Unalienable Right05/16/25Friday from Noon to 1:30 PM, 1 Session59.00
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SL61801 In Praise of Difficult Women: Audrey Hepburn: High Chic and High Spirits(Class is full)*04/26/25Saturday from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM, 1 Session49.00

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These courses may be offered at a future date. Click the course Title link for more information.