Unlock the Secrets of Your Dreams

Code: SE21006

Dates: April 8-29, 2025

Meets: 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM

Sessions: 4

Course Fee: $75.00

There are still openings remaining at this time.

Discover the hidden messages in your dreams by learning how to remember and understand them. Explore the science behind dreaming and delve into the rich history of dream interpretation. Through guided dreamwork exercises and group discussions, you'll gain insights into your subconscious mind and embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery.
Fee: $75.00
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David Low

David Low has a Masters in Community Counseling, received his doctorate in Religious Studies from Temple University in 1998 and is also completing an interfaith ministry doctoral program with The New Seminary. After being a small-circus juggler for a couple of years out of college, he worked as a technical writer and substance abuse counselor before teaching religion courses for 10 years as an adjunct professor at Rutgers-Camden, Rowan, and LaSalle Universities. He is the author of a spirituality textbook (Universal Spiritual Philosophy and Practice) and is currently working on a volume on the teachings of the great Dutch philosopher, Baruch Spinoza. A lifelong interest in anthropology led David to study shamanism and other indigenous practices. He has presented at IASD conferences (International Association for the Study of Dreams), and has travelled extensively and visited different Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, Sufi, Jewish, Christian and Muslim groups. David maintains a private counseling practice in Mt. Airy in which he does dreamwork and teaches meditation. See more about David at davidlowmsphd.com. For two years out of college David was a professional small-circus performer, doing mostly juggling. He's done occasional charity gigs ever since with balls, clubs, rings, devil sticks, cigar boxes and other juggling props.