Comedy Sketch Writing

Code: MT32824

Dates: April 24 - May 29, 2024

Meets: 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM

Sessions: 6

Location: Creutzburg Center 202

Course Fee: $129.00

Sorry, we are no longer accepting registrations for this course. Please contact our office to find out if it will be rescheduled, or if alternative classes are available.

If you’ve ever watched Saturday Night Live, Key and Peele or Inside Amy Schumer and thought to yourself, “That looks like fun!”, this class is for you. Review the core concepts and techniques of sketch comedy writing. Learn the three basic types of sketches, how to generate premise ideas and how to express those ideas using your own brand of comedy. Craft and format concepts into more fully flushed-out comedy sketches. No prerequisite necessary,
Fee: $129.00
You could save $10.00 on this course by becoming a member of MLSN Membership

Creutzburg Center 202

260 Gulph Creek Road
(in Harford Park)
Radnor, PA 19087
Map & Directions

Kristofer Hodge

Kristofer Hodge is a comedian from the Philadelphia area who has been performing and teaching improv, sketch and stand-up comedy since 2015. Kristofer has performed on multiple Philly Improv Theater house teams such as “Swan Year” (improv), “In Space”(improv), “Finders Keepers” (improv), "Brought To You By" (sketch writer/performer), and “Fezziwig” (sketch writer/performer). n addition to teaching improv at Philly Improv Theater, Kristofer has also taught improv workshops at Neumann University and has independently taught improv, sketch and stand-up, as well as coached several independent teams in and around Philadelphia.



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